You’re never too young to protect you and your family’s future.
Life Insurance
Life Insurance is a necessary part of your family’s financial plan. You’re never too young to protect you and your family’s future. From affordable Term Life to Whole/Universal Life, we can help you secure the proper policy and limits.

Term Life
Term Life insurance is an affordable choice when you want your family to be financially set if you pass away. Generally less expensive than other policies, Term allows you to purchase higher limits at a younger age. And, because term covers you for a set number of years, consider it to cover specific needs that will disappear in time, such as mortgages or car loans.
Whole / Universal Life
Whole/Universal Life policies offer guaranteed, lifetime protection as long as the necessary premiums are paid. These policies will typically accumulate cash value that you can borrow against. With a variety of options to choose from, this policy can be a great investment tool.
Having the right life insurance is pivotal in planning for the future of you and your loved ones. Life insurance can help you fulfill promises you’ve made your family when you are gone.
Life insurance may also be used to help ensure that a family business will pass to your intended survivor. There are also benefits to certain types of life insurance plans during your lifetime.
Request A Quote
Hoffman Insurance Services, Inc
148 Linden Street,
Suite 300
Wellesley, MA 02482
Phone: 781-235-0087
Toll Free: 800-649-0087
Fax: 781-235-6665
Email: ghoffman@hoffmaninsurance.com
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30- 5:00

- Hoffman Insurance is licensed to write insurance in all states except Louisiana and Virginia -